Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Limoncello, so near and yet ...

It's time to bottle the Limoncello, hell, it's time to drink the Limoncello, and here I am still without the proper equipment for filtering and bottling.  Just last week I had the opportunity to score some cheesecloth and blew it.  I was at a birthday party and because I had a slightly greater ability to guess people's sexual fantasies than anyone else during a party game (it was much tamer than it sounds) I got to choose among several party favors presented on a lovely silver platter:  bows, a Billie Holiday CD, earrings, a soy candle, cheesecloth ... and I chose the candle.  The cheesecloth stands alone.

Today it's off to Hobby Lobby for cheesecloth, World Market for bottles, and wherever one goes to find a funnel, and tonight there will be Limoncello.  Honestly, I'm a little intrepid, never having had the stuff and having no standard by which to judge it's strength, flavor, sweetness, acidity, blah blah blah.  Plus when I added the simple syrup to the zesty alcohol infusion 53 days ago (but who's counting?), which involved actually inhaling the alcohol fumes, I woke up the next morning with a migraine the likes of which I've experienced only a handful of times in my life.  I'm quite sure it was from the cheap tequila the Spectrum Health Club (yes, you read that correctly) had used for margaritas served at their Mother's Day dance party earlier that same evening, which I drank because any time I do a dance demo in front of a couple of hundred people I like to have a good belt of tequila first (about one shot per 100 people is about right).  From now it will be a belt of good tequila rather than a good belt of tequila, or in the best of all possible worlds ... both.

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