Friday, June 25, 2010

Chilling ...

the limoncello, that is, in the freezer right between the non-vegan rib eyes from a local ranch and non-vegan half gallons of Texas ice cream (intense chocolate and natural vanilla bean).  They say that limoncello should be served icy cold; having tasted it at room temperature and finding it vile I am hoping that some time in the freezer makes all the difference.  Last evening I tried it in a simple little cocktail called the Amalfi Dream, with vodka and triple sec, shaken with ice and served over cubes with a twist and it was, sorry to say, disappointing.  I should have known better than to use triple sec, jeez what was I thinking, and with Cointreau right there in the cabinet?  I've heard tell that there's a distillery in Portland that makes a decent triple sec -- another reason to move, perhaps? 

BTW, what makes the chocolate ice cream "intense" is the addition of fudge swirls and semi-sweet chocolate chunks, delicious on it's own but even better cut with a little natural vanilla bean served along side in the same dish.  Especially good while watching The Colbert Report. 

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