Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Last of the Hendricks

Alas, and hark, and nay, and it will not do!  I am closing in on the last of the Hendricks gin, whilst I do read, in solidarity with mine daughter, The Last of the Mohicans !  Why do they skip a space before the exclamation point, and why can't people just say things instead of exclaiming them?  Where was Elmore Leonard with his list of rules for writing fiction when Cooper was writing, hmmm?  And why dids't I agree to do this, anyway? I, we, she needs to have the first ten (X) chapters read by tomorrow at nine o'clock, which is actually eleven for me -- no sweat, unless I spend a bunch of time blogging, or drinking, or both. 

The book is to my right, the martini to my left, the laptop is, well, on my lap -- get the picture? 

I know that when I read Anne Tyler, I talk like Anne Tyler for awhile, and so on with a lot of writers I like -- but I really, really don't want to start talking like James Fenimore Cooper.  So if anyone catches me at it, please kick me in the pants, or put a drink in my mouth.  Hendricks. 


Kathi said...

I rather like the way JFC didst speaketh. But I have to say I much preferred the movie to that particular book, which is HIGHLY unusual for me. The music, oh, the music...

JanEO said...

JFC actually used the expression "all hell broke loose" - I had to laugh, having so recently read Elmore Leonard's rules. And people don't just exclaim when they speak, they ejaculate -- Chloe and I were howling on the phone last night -- still, it's a great story, and very cinematic, you're right

debdeb said...

JFC means something else entirely to me and I want to know how Ann Tyler talks. It's been a long time since I read something of hers.

Kathi said...

Ejaculation is good- very, very good...

KARA said...

Still wondering about the JFC ejaculation. Feels oddly incestuous.
Still listening to the NPR Spring Fund Drive. "It'll be wrapping up around 7:00 this evening."
Is everyone supporting? Don't feel bad if you didn't, I joined for all of us. 1-800-622-8977
Thanks to renewing members...Michael and Zoira Swartzhog

Really, that was her name.

JanEO said...

JFC may have single-handedly inspired Elmore Leonard's rule about never using anything other than 'said' when writing dialog. JFC actually has people ejaculate their words -- think "say it, don't spray it"

Kathi said...

Swartz means black in Yiddish (and German)- so her name means black piggie... :) Cooper uses the word "ejaculate" instead of "said" or "yelled" or any number of words that indicate someone is speaking. Other writers of his time period did, too, but we don't see it used too often anymore in that way.

Kathi said...

OOps, Janet, somehow I didn't see your comment, already answering Kara's question, before I put in my 2 cents worth! :) I like your explanation much better.

KARA said...

This is embarrassing and I wouldn't cop to this in many parts of my life...I'm just now getting that JFC is James Fen...etc. I was somehow getting a biblical connection, what with all the ejaculation. Oh well. I've always said I'm a combination of Laura Ingalls Wilder and Sandra Bernhardt. Clearly the Laura aspect was present. BTW, did anyone see the editorial in today's paper about ending a sentence with a preposition (as I just did)? It was fabulous.

Linda said...

Wait a minute--people ejaculate when they speak? What book is that? Should we all read JFC again, now that it could have a whole new meaning than when we read it in high school, IF we did, which I don't think I ever did. Janet you have definitely raised our literary awareness on this juicy journey.