Saturday, April 3, 2010

Waxing Eloquent About Cucumbers

Thank you (you know who you are) for the nice compliment -- that I can wax eloquent about cucumbers.  I am here to tell you, though, that the best cucumber gimlet is made with an unwaxed cucumber, so my prose about tonight's cucumber gimlet may be lacking. 

The gimlet, however, is perfect -- refreshing, perfectly proportioned, and a beauty to behold.  I photographed it on my cell phone, and one of these days I'll learn how to up/down/over/underload it for all to see.  In searching for the recipe I came across the nicest blog, and one of these days I'll learn how to set up a link for all to enjoy.  One of these days I'm going to do a lot of things, but right now I'm deep into my cucumber gimlet. 

My husband just told me that the time has come, the time is now for dinner, so there.  Tilapia filets and spinach salad.  Vegan?  Why no.  Love, love, love. 

1 comment:

Kathi said...

You wax eloquently on so much more than cukes! Not doing so well on the vegan thing, huh? Oh well- one step at a time, Janet- one step at a time! :)