Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It's Official

It's official -- I'm a snob.  Last night at a local snobby restaurant I actually heard myself order, and I quote myself, "a Hendricks martini with a twist, unless you don't have Hendricks, in which case the liquor store is right across the street." 

I'm insufferable, without even being vegan!  The other night I came t-h-i-s close to a vegan meal I tell you, a quinoa pilaf that was absolutely perfect and vegan and at the last moment I decided that some asiago cheese would take it over the top, and I was right (again).  Rone' tells me that I'll never become vegan because I can't grow dreadlocks, and I think she's right (again).  It's so good to be us! 


Kathi said...

You ARE a snob!! :) NOT.

Linda said...

It is so good to be us! Yes yes yes!

Roné said...

Well maybe if you really want you can have dreadlock hair extensions added. hmmmm but in what color....!