Monday, February 22, 2010

Off the wagon

Oh no, I keep falling off the wagon and not drinking! 

I do have a great vegan success story, though.  The other day, while wandering through the newest HEB (that's Texan for grocery store, monopoly that it is), strolling through the bins and running my fingers through the various dried beans (everyone just loves to see me do that), the very dark red aduki beans got me thinking ... about a roast.  Before I knew it I was rubbing down  beef with pepper and herbs and searing it in olive oil; several hours later we sat down to pot roast and potatoes in rich gravy, and a gorgeous array of roasted root vegetables -- beets, turnips, onions, carrots, all beautifully carmelized, fresh bread and butter  ... give me a moment, I think I need a cigarette ...

Where was I?  Oh yes, the vegan part.  Since part of my motivation for going vegan is environmental (what did you think?), one of the sub-texts in this blog will be the various ways that I am also going green.  Just today I read the ingredients on the hair spray I use and thought "Hmm.  This might have to go."  But I wander.  The vegan/green success story is that the roast was packaged in ... get ready ... a bio-degradable tray!!!  You can imagine, I practically skipped to the check-out line, feeling smug and just  a  little  bit  superior. 

Now, though, it is happy hour, and I have work to do.  Love you all. 

1 comment:

Rone' Prinz said...

o Janet I love you......hahhhhhaahaha