Saturday, March 27, 2010

When Life Gives You Lemons ...

"Make Limoncello!!  No, not lemon jello, you unsophisticated swine, limoncello, a liqueur made by soaking lemon zest in grain alcohol for 40 days and 40 more days (as debdeb pointed out, it's almost biblical), and used in drinks that will surely have one begging forgiveness, with names like Devil's Punch, In and Out Lemontini, Lover's Lane, and Island Voodoo.  Have I not told you to stick with me?!?

When I say "when life gives you lemons", I really mean when your dear friend Rone' gives you, not just lemons, but a bag full of Meyers lemons from her very own SoCal tree.  Actually, Rone' IS life, totally embodied life, so life really did give me lemons.  We've already juiced some into our Midnight Ramblers, which reminds me, the Northern Bramble has been re-named.  I know, I know, I said that delicious concoction some call the Cougar Baitini would be forever known to me as the Northern Bramble, but then I couldn't get that Midnight Rambler song by the Stones out of my mind (just the one line, you know, "did you hear about the Midnight Rambler?"), and there you have it.  That whole 'forever' concept is just too much for me sometimes, which perhaps explains some things. 

If I start now, or soon (first I'm going to buy a lemon zester, having limped along without one all these years) the limoncello will be ready for the blazing heat of the San Antonio summer, and we can sit around in the shade (or the a/c) and sip limoncello cordials from the chilled ceramic glasses that, in Italy, are apparently de rigeur (i.e., required, see unsophisticated swine, above).  BTW, I had to google limoncello.  I pretended to know what it was when Rone' suggested it, but I confess, the unsophisticated swine?  That would be me. 

Now, whoooooo's mixing?


debdeb said...

Hey! There you are. I was getting bored.

Roné said...

might even risk the summer SA heat to taste some of your very own "Limoncello!! Ciao Janet!!

Kathi said...

Haha! When you mentioned it at Writers' Group, I thought you said "Lemon Jello," but there was something in there about alcohol, so I was thinking- "OH, must be jello shots." This unsophisticated sow (female singular for swine for the uneducated out there)may just have to try some of your Limoncello!

Anonymous said...

Yes, well I've had a lemon zester for about 20 years and you can see what it's done for me. I am who I am today because of it.

I had no idea what lemoncello was...I thought it was the name of the cocktail at Piatti--so when you went into all this details I was sort of blown away. Count me in...sounds fun, cool, and mind altering.

KARA said...

The anonymous comment was mine. It was asking for my google account information---which of course i couldn't remember---so i had to recreate my google information and post my comment anonymously in the meantime. Geez.

JanEO said...

Kara, Kara, Anonymous Kara ... sigh. Just don't ever lose your zest(er).