Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thinking Makes Me Thirsty

The last time I’d taken so long to write I blamed it on some technical problem – probably a computer. So what’s the excuse this time?

No thoughts to report, as I’m pretty sure I delegated the thinking to Bill some time ago, without telling him of course, supposing that he’d (again) read my mind, which would not be a good thing if I don’t want to be stuck with all the thinking again. I want to not think, and have no once notice – the usual, that is. It scares me how much sense this paragraph makes to me.

I’ve never actually written it: I’m so grateful for Nia. I’ve been teaching so much over the past three years that I rarely get to be a student, nor can I spend much time practicing on my own. On this rainy day, oh joy for the rain, with no commitments to be anywhere, it’s nice to do a little practice at home, mostly the yoga part, which I miss from my yogi glory days. Actually, these are the glory days.

I read that people who are naturally thin are moving constantly without their awareness, even when they’re resting. One of the gifts Nia has brought is that I’m more inclined to notice sensation in a muscle, (I know, I said ‘sensation’) and can choose what to do with the energy. Oh man, I said ‘energy’. Just put me in front of the Nia firing squad now. Wrap a white belt around my eyes, and shoot. Anyway, sometimes it’s hard to sit still and I find myself in one room after another, sometimes having walked there and sometimes having bounced, and the next moment I realize I’m so still I’m barely breathing, taking long stretches after I’ve exhaled before bothering to inhale. Like it would be so much trouble.

Now how can Pandora get it right and then wrong in such a brief span of time? Isn’t it supposed to know my mind? Oh.

Back to breathing. My thinking days are over. Or perhaps you’d noticed?

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